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Team Bulbasaur Project Blogs:

   March-17,2022: Seventh entry for Project Retribution, this past two weeks started with our Reading Break, or March Break, or whatever the colleges call it, then on return ...
we had combined the group efforts. Team Bulbasaur had mostly focused on Restaraunt Rush fine tuning over the break, Val had some assets to adjust, Sean had worked on the timer functionality and anxiety factor, Mark completed the instructions and HUD implementations, Troy over the break had fine tuned the Final Battle minion and bullet spawning methods. and I started working on the Fire Fighter background and sprites and created the HubWorlds layout for the art department(Val) to make the unique city and river tiles needed for the environment.
This weeks classes and meetings were minorly overshadowed by the potential of an event involving a Union that affects the College and program delivery but, the team carries on as we continue to shoot for being ready for the Level Up Showcase (LevelUpShowcase) which has a submission deadline of April 5th. The first image this week is the Villager NPC Sprites that Val worked on over the reading break for populating the world and being sources of plot and side objectives such as simple fetch quests to utilize the map and offer extra gameplay with the reward being healing items and extra power ups in the Final Battle. The second picture is the tilemap outline of BeaverRich Isles as envisioned by Val and I, there's artistic challenges for Val in making the different buildings for each city and as can be seen in the third photo with her thus far update adding a beach finish to the Baygate Port area and rounded river edges.
Mark and Sean had handled a lot of UI/HUD details and the timer implementation for Restaruant Rush over the last two weeks, I'm unclear how much they worked together but the end product is coming together nicely of HUD elements and game interactions. I had met with Sean after the Timer implementation to find why we had 2 timers in scene with only one counting down and while it isn't clear why both have to be in the scene, the one that doesn't move can be disabled and the other one continues to work so, call that debugging fun Unity things. After todays meeting with the SnowMies, where we continued to get the support and motivation that keeps projects moving, and I had done some running around to the campus and such, I had met with Troy to learn the details of how he had implemented the Jars in the Memory Match minigame as buttons spawning on a grid attached to the background canvas object. It's almost entirely handled with the Unity inspector so hopefully over this weekend and before the next blog post I will be sharing the Fire sprite, Background, Fire class and functions and some level of randome fire spawning on screen in the Fire Fighter mini game.
As a note on my reading break: I had taken the week as a mostly relaxed week, did labs the weekend that started and the weekend that ended the break and over the week I had done some home tidying tasks and went with my girlfriend on a mini vacation back to Peterborough to check in on her old professors, the people we partnered with while at Trent Archery and the Canadian Canoe Museum because 4 years living in the city and we never went to it. Otherwise checked in on friends, businesses and restaraunts we missed, expanded my PS1 and my book collections and generally recharged for the second half of this final semester. I'm looking forward to this semester and University prospects in the future.