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Team Bulbasaur Project Blogs:

   Feb-17,2022: Fourth entry for Project Retribution, the full force of Team Bulbasaur spent this past week tackling our proof-of-concept Prototype containing a mock up of the initial town, npc's and ...
the Blazin' Pots Memory Match minigame. On Jira we had divided the work to based on key objectives to make a prototype inline with our final goal, the top image being what our initial idea of what our prototype would be (image by Val) and the bottom shows the final product of the prototype incorporating a combination of suggestions stemming from a passing comment. The tasks divided included me laying out the town on a tile map with help from Val making tiles and helping fine tune colliders. I joined Val and Mark while they were working on the dialog system and start of the Memory Match coding and provided input as needed and helped fill out dialog options with the team. Troy was a trooper and managed the Audio Manager and adding sounds with little help, we had met as a team during fine tunings where he walked us through the manager and how to adjust individual values, like the footsteps, bg music and game sounds in memory match. Sean had taken on the HUD and Instructions for the mini game which due to small miscommunication became a team effort that everyone put a hand on, and it came together nicely. As a wrap up to the week we had met with the Snowed In mentors today and show cased the prototype to them and got some feedback and suggestions especially about proofing for android, save states and capsulating the town layouts to duplicate for future towns. It's nice to see the interest from the mentors and seeing the project coming together is a motivator that I think is working well for me and the whole team.