Feb-24,2022: Fifth entry for Project Retribution, this past week was a bit of a scramble/strategy week as we followed guidance to plan for things, we weren't fully comfortable with and valuable ...
rest and planning time. Partly due to the Family Day on Monday and the team's confusion for tasks to do over the weekend we mostly planned out the details of the final boss battles twin stick shooter mini game and how it would be our current two week sprint goal.
our meeting with Snowed In Thursday was the last bit of guidance we got going into the weekend and we had met throughout Friday planning out how we'd divvy tasks on Jira and planning out art needs moving forward. Shown are Val's creations of Isarr(the BigBadEvilGuy), the power up pickups, Graey(MainCharacter) and Isarr's minion on the wood test tile for the Final Battle mini game.
I took on the Final Battle Game Manager and Graey class scripts for this sprint while planning for the rest of the hub worlds map to be tile mapped even if with temporary tiles in places for now. Come Tuesday James informed us during our regular stand-up meeting that our Jira was lacking in tasks on the backlog and we realized we hadn't listed the full backlog of tasks for everything involved and had been adding tasks as we got to them, which defeats the point of Jira slightly, this should help keep us on task now.
For this sprint Mark is working on the Isarr and Minion classes which involves him working closely with Sean who is working on the AI Finite State Machine which he has sounded confident with during the meetings. Troy is working on the classes within the Final Game while Val is implementing the health bar for the Final Game and is working on art assets as needed for both the Final Game and other parts of the game. We've all been communicating well, and the project is feeling good approaching the halfway mark of the semester.
While doing some research for the UI controller overlay for android support and health bar videos to understand how we were implementing these features I found a nice enough side navigation solution for my blog to tidy things up a bit and improve blog flow a noticeable amount.